Brit Housewife is UFO Magnet after 17 Alien Encounters
A British housewife has become known as a UFO magnet after she claimed that she has been visited at least 17 times by them, with five such episodes being up close.
Bridget Grant, 40, looks just like any other ordinary housewife, but her extraordinary experiences have brought her recognition in the UFO world as the Briton most visited by aliens.
"Why me? I don't know. I can't understand it but I need answers. I can't explain what's happening to me. I feel very happy that I've witnessed what I have," she was quoted as saying.
Grant revealed that her alien encounters began when she was a little girl living in a village in Devon, although at the time she did not realise their significance.
She said she met who she thought was a very small Chinese girl, because of her eyes, about her height, who showed her some money, a Hong Kong note, and the house she stayed in.
She said she arranged to meet her the next day, but when she got there the house was no longer there.
Over the years, as she was growing up, Grant had many paranormal encounters with ghosts - people who had died in the past and people who had died more recently.
The paranormal experiences went till she was 21, and her next big incident with aliens came in February 1993 when she was working in Los Angeles as a make-up artist.
She remembers being stopped by a traffic light and seeing a glimmer of sliver reflecting from the metal frame between the door and the windscreen, and then to her left over her head a massive craft.
"It was eight to ten metres away, silver, round and 35ft to 40ft long. There was no noise, no wings and no exhaust fumes or anything like that," she recalled.
Both she and her friend Jane witnessed it, and she says she was so frightened by the incident that she kicked her partner out, packed her belongings and left.
She has now returned to Devon and set up the South West Witness Support Group to try to meet people with similar experiences, and is writing a book on what she went through.
英國一名家庭主婦因爲聲稱40年來至少17度獲外星人造訪,其中包括5次面對面的「第三類接觸」,因此獲得「UFO(飛碟)磁鐵」的封號。40歲的布麗姬葛蘭特(Bridget Grant)外貌跟普通家庭主婦沒什麽兩樣。但是她不平凡的經曆,讓她被幽浮界認可爲「接觸過最多外星人的英國女人」。
但第二天她回上述地點時房子已經不見了。眼前是一片田野。但是田野之中卻有一座被閃閃亮光圍繞著的涼亭。她有點害怕,於是就 跑回家了。之後她再也沒有見過那名小女孩。科學家解釋,那座「涼亭」應該是一艘太空船。而華裔小女孩和 「涼亭」,應是外星人對葛蘭特做了「植入記億」,以免她看到真正的外星人和太空船面貌會被嚇倒。