(圖:NASA/SDO 彗星Lovejoy越過太陽大氣之後再度由另一側出現的觀測檔案照。)
2011年11月,澳大利亞天文迷Terry Lovejoy/特里洛夫喬伊首次搜尋到了Lovejoy(以其命名)這顆從未被發現過的彗星。同年,一個月之後的12月中旬,Lovejoy彗星以近距離方式衝向了太陽,而在攝氏110萬度的高溫環境之下,它竟然出乎意料之外地沒有被完全燒毀殆盡,讓天文、科學專家學者們嘖嘖稱奇。當時,它以一種自殺式運行往太陽飛去,與太陽最近的距離為只剩十二萬一千公里,比地球和月亮之間的距離還要近。(如此靠近,想必一定熱到暴,但Lovejoy這顆彗星生命力還真是夠強韌說!)
影片: NASA SDO - Lovejoy's Journey around the Sun
Comet Lovejoy survives its close encounter with the Sun's atmosphere
The comet that was discovered last month by Australian astronomer Terry Lovejoy was seen reaching very close to the Sun on Thursday. It was thought by many scientists that Comet Lovejoy would be destroyed by the Sun's atmosphere. However, it surpised all and survived, showing up on the other side of the sun with a smaller tail.
Astronomers and scientists are commenting on the view caught by instruments in different space research laboratories. A researcher working at the U.S. Naval Research Center in Washington, Karl Battams, also gave the explanation of the event. He and other experts believed that the comet would not be able to survive but they were astonished to see it again.
"Somehow it survived being immersed in the several million-degree solar corona for almost an hour and has now re-emerged back into the views of the LASCO and SECCHI coronagraphs, almost as bright as before!" Battams said as he witnessed the rare scene. "The only notable exception is that it appears to have lost its tail … In fact its tail is still gently floating out in space where it was before perihelion!" he added.
Comets are frozen and when they come near the Sun, there is a great possibility that they disappear by the intense heat from the Sun. Comet Lovejoy was the exception, as it did not get destroyed completely despite being so close to the Sun. Astronomers are also predicting that it will form a new tail.
People with an interest of spatial events are also very much surprised and enjoying videos of the comet uploaded on the internet.
This recent sight has sparked discussions among astronomers and they are studying the details of the comet and its trip. According to W. Dean Pesnell, who is the project scientist for NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, the comet lost its ninety percent of the mass in the trip.
"It looks like the tail broke off and is stuck in the sun's magnetic field,” Pesnell added.